- Languages
- Northern European Languages
- Nordic Translation Services in the Nordics
- Finnic Languages
- Baltic Languages
- Slavic Languages
- West Germanic languages
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Slavic Languages | Eastern European Languages
Slavic Languages | Eastern European Languages | Baltic Media® Translation Agency in the Baltics
Professional Translation into Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian languages
The Slavic languages (Slavonic languages) are the Indo-European languages native to the Slavic peoples, originally from Eastern Europe.
The Balto-Slavic languages are most often divided into Baltic and Slavic groups. However, in the 1960's Russian scientists Vladimir Toporov and Vyacheslav Ivanov made the following conclusions:
a) Proto-Slavic language formed from the peripheral-type Baltic dialects;
b) Slavic linguistic type formed later from the Baltic languages structural model;
c) the Slavic structural model is a result of the Baltic languages structural model transformation.
Onomastic evidence shows that Baltic languages were once spoken in much wider territory than the one they cover today, all the way to Moscow, and were later replaced by Slavic.
Groups of Slavic Languages
The Slavic languages are divided intro three subgroups: East, West, and South, which together constitute more than twenty languages. Of these, ten have at least one million speakers and official status as the national languages of the countries: Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian (of the East group), Polish, Czech and Slovak (of the West group) and Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and Bulgarian (of the South group).
Baltic Media® Translation Agency in the Nordics
The Baltic Media® Nordic-Baltic Translation agency is a leading provider of digital translation services in Northern Europe specialising in Northern European (incl. Nordic, Baltic, Slavic) languages mostly in translation services from/into Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, German, English, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian.
As an ISO certified language service provider, the Baltic Media® translation agency offers human translation services for corporate, governmental and private clients.