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French: The Language of the Olympics

French: The Language of the Olympics

French holds a special place in the history and culture of the Olympic Games. Its deep-rooted connection stems primarily from the influence of Pierre de Coubertin, the visionary who revived the modern Olympics.

Pierre de Coubertin

Why French?

  • Founder’s Language: As a Frenchman, Coubertin naturally chose his native tongue as the official language of the Games.
  • Cultural Prestige: French was, and still is, considered a language of diplomacy and culture, making it a suitable choice for an international event.
  • Tradition: The use of French has been a cornerstone of the Olympic movement since its inception, creating a strong tradition.

Paris 2024 Olympics

French in the Olympics Today

While English has gained significant prominence in the world, French remains one of the official languages of the Olympic Games. It’s still used in:

  • Official Ceremonies: Announcements, speeches, and oaths are often delivered in French.
  • Documentation: Many official Olympic documents are written in French.
  • Prestige and Heritage: French continues to symbolize the Olympics’ rich history and cultural heritage.

Beyond the Olympics

French’s influence extends beyond the Games. Many sports terms and concepts have French origins, especially in disciplines like fencing, boxing, and equestrian sports.

French in Olympic Ceremonies

French maintains a significant presence in Olympic ceremonies, a testament to its historical and cultural ties to the Games.

  • Opening and Closing Ceremonies: French is frequently used for official announcements, speeches, and oaths. While English has gained prominence, French remains a cornerstone of these events, often heard alongside the host country’s language.
  • Medal Ceremonies: Although the host country’s language is typically used for the national anthem, French announcements are often made, especially for the presentation of medals and the reading of athlete profiles.

French Impact on Sports Terminology

French has left an indelible mark on sports terminology, particularly in sports that originated in France or were heavily influenced by French culture.

  • Fencing: The intricate movements and positions in fencing are primarily described using French terms, such as “lunge,” “riposte,” and “parry.”
  • Boxing: Terms like “round,” “knockout,” and “ring” have their origins in French boxing terminology.
  • Equestrian Sports: Many equestrian terms, including those for horse gaits and riding techniques, are derived from French.
  • Other Sports: While less pronounced, French has influenced terms in other sports as well. For instance, the term “match” comes from French.

Beyond these specific sports, French has contributed to the broader vocabulary of sports, with many general terms and concepts having French roots.



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