Staff Training and Team-building
Baltic Media Ltd Staff Training and Team-building in Vilnius
Keeping the traditions for personnel training and uniting, the international team of the translation agency Baltic Media Ltd this time met in the capital of Lithuania – Vilnius. The choice of the venue was not unintentional, since the branch office of Baltic Media Ltd has been operating in the capital of this neighbouring country for more than a year serving the Clients far away the borders of Lithuania.
The seminar was held in the conference facilities of the hotel Best Western and during the training the theories proposed by David Freementle in his book Active Client Service were looked at and compared with our practise. This training also provided a great opportunity to get to know our newest team members: Vilnius Branch Manager Armands Kociņš, Estonia Branch Manager Hedvig Veelma and Valmiera Branch Manager Evita Vītola.
Marketing Director of Baltic Media Ltd Kaspars Zverģis admits: “We are very glad that during the time of crisis we have not only stabilized our business, but also developed the range of our services, expanded the network of our offices and added to our team three new, cheerful and, most importantly, competent employees.”
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Team-building at Žagarkalns
For the team of the translation agency Baltic Media Ltd the beginning of the year 2010 has been very active: new branch offices have been opened, the company offers new services, and works on development of a new, more customer-appealing web-page. Likewise, out-of-office activities this year begun with outdoor recreation in the hotel Atpūta in Cēsis and the nearby Žagarkalns where each member of the team discovered their new hobbies – skiing, snowboarding as well as sledging. After well-deserved rest, the team participated in the training conducted by Sandra Veinberga devoted to improvement of social competence and business etiquette.
“This was one of the most fun team-building seminars in the history of Baltic Media,” admitted the Marketing Director Kaspars Zverģis. “We not only worked hard during the seminar, but also got good exercise and seized the opportunities provided by the rich-in-snow winter.”
© Baltic Media®
Team building and personnel training seminar in Pāvilosta
Twice a year the team of the translation agency Baltic Media Ltd visits a city rich in legend to gain new knowledge and improve their professional skills. This time a city by the Baltic Sea Pāvilosta was chosen as our destination. The friendly team of the motel Vēju Paradīze (Wind Paradise) kindly welcomed us there! Pāvilosta is a calm and pleasant town – the place to relax from the hasty everyday rhythm.
During the three-day long training Baltic Media Ltd team discussed the company’s plans for the future and new ideas which this training was especially rich in. “Now we just have to 'take the bull by its horns' and put all of our plans into action” said the Marketing Director Kaspars Zverģis. “It is great, that we have formed a team, members of which provide great support to each other, and together we can work wonders – help people overcome the language barriers."
After hard-day’s work, everyone could enjoy the free time by taking a walk on the beach, observing the seashore nature and relaxing in the sauna at the motel Vēju Paradīze.
Baltic Media Ltd expresses its thanks to the hospitable and kind personnel of the motel Vēju Paradīze. We send our special greetings to the cook of the motel’s restaurant who treated us with the best of the traditional Latvian cuisine.
“We will definitely return to visit you!”
© Baltic Media®
Active and Powerful Customer Service
Baltic Media Personnel Training
From13 to 15 July 2007 Svente Manor, which is located not far from the second largest city of Latvia — Daugavpils, hosted the regular Baltic Media staff training seminar devoted to knowledge and skills development on issues of communication theory and practise.
The seminar turned into a successful team-building event.
Participants talked over and discussed the following topics:
* Commercial effects of communication;
* How to leave a good impression about the company while communicating with a customer;
* How to effectively manage multilingual projects;
* Effective methods of stress management;
* How to develop and maintain relationship with a customer so that he becomes a regular and loyal customer;
* How to communicate with a customer over the phone, through e-mail, Skype and in person. Presentation of our services etc.
Practical skills were improved during the video practise "Active and powerful customer service".
The seminar was highly evaluated by the participants themselves.
Jevgenija Lazuta, Senior Project Manager, "I'm so delighted that I had a chance to participate in the seminar and would like to point out its warm and friendly atmosphere."
Sandra Veinberga, Personnel Training Project Manager stressed, "Now we are even better armed to help customers with all their language and communication problems."
The word "armed" was meant both figuratively and in its direct meaning as the staff of Baltic Media had their picture taken in the museum of tanks, which is located at the seminar venue, with the WWII armoured military vehicles both Soviet and American on the background.
Baltic Media Team-Building in Majori
From 27 to 29 October 2006 the autumn seminar of the Baltic Media staff was held in Jūrmala, Hotel Majori, which not only provided an opportunity for the perfection of knowledge and improvement of practical skills but also contributed to the new team unification.
The seminar was devoted to logic of persuasion and presentation theory and skills as well as the sales and customer service.
How to be a persuasive speaker
Theoretical and practical workshops about presentation and communication skills were given by Doctor of Philology Sandra Veinberga who has educated quite a number of leading companies and politicians of Latvia on the same issues. The public image, correctness and vulgarity, provincial naivety and politically correct etiquette, uniform and the person, oppression of individuality; the way how to sit, stand, walk, greet, part and show attention
- are only some form the whole range of covered topics.
Presentation skills were practised in workshops, videotaped and analyzed for the seminar participants to achieve apparent success in their art of persuasion.
The second day came with individual presentations and live discussions based on critical analysis of David Freemantle’s book THE BUZZ: 50 Little Things that Make a Big Dirrerence to World-Class Customer Service. ..
How to communicate in diverse cultural environment
Communication with customers proved to be surprisingly different in terms of manners, style and behaviour not only in Europe and the North America but also in Riga and Daugavpils.
We can surely say that the staff of Baltic Media are much more persuasive now both with customers and in front of a camera as well as they know how to better save customers' time, maintain contacts and be kind, responsive and smiling also in stressful and busy situations but above all have learned more about each other in informal surroundings.
Ieva Krastiņa, the Commercial Director says, “In my opinion not only we gained new knowledge and refreshed the existing but the largest benefit was ideas and getting to know the colleagues. I was surprised to learn that my colleagues are so positive!”
How to be a persuasive speaker
Theoretical and practical workshops about presentation and communication skills were given by Doctor of Philology Sandra Veinberga who has educated quite a number of leading companies and politicians of Latvia on the same issues. The public image, correctness and vulgarity, provincial naivety and politically correct etiquette, uniform and the person, oppression of individuality; the way how to sit, stand, walk, greet, part and show attention
- are only some form the whole range of covered topics.
Presentation skills were practised in workshops, videotaped and analyzed for the seminar participants to achieve apparent success in their art of persuasion.
The second day came with individual presentations and live discussions based on critical analysis of David Freemantle’s book THE BUZZ: 50 Little Things that Make a Big Dirrerence to World-Class Customer Service.
How to communicate in diverse cultural environment
Communication with customers proved to be surprisingly different in terms of manners, style and behaviour not only in Europe and the North America but also in Riga and Daugavpils.
We can surely say that the staff of Baltic Media are much more persuasive now both with customers and in front of a camera as well as they know how to better save customers' time, maintain contacts and be kind, responsive and smiling also in stressful and busy situations but above all have learned more about each other in informal surroundings.
Ieva Krastiņa, the Commercial Director says, “In my opinion not only we gained new knowledge and refreshed the existing but the largest benefit was ideas and getting to know the colleagues. I was surprised to learn that my colleagues are so positive!”
Workshop. Palanga. Lithuania. June 3 — 5, 2005.
Hill of the Cross in Lithuania. Šauliai. The principles of work organization in a modern company. Project management. Satisfaction of clients. Accessibility. Service. Diversity of staff. Opening of the summer season. Hotel Gamanta. Rain. Wind. Sea. Breakfast. Dinner. Supper. Latino Brazil Festival. Fireworks. Jugglery exercises in hotel room. WWF. Pape lake. Aurochs and wild horses near Pape lake. Liepaja. Restaurant Pastnieka maja. King bolete soup with dumplings, vegetables and chicken fillet of the forest-guard Afanasijs. Cafe Kiss Me. Hotel Fontaine. Shopping. © Baltic Media®