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Leveraging AI and Human-Assisted Translation: Insights from Baltic Media’s Experience

In today’s rapidly globalizing world, translation agencies are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their processes and enhance customer satisfaction. One such groundbreaking advancement is the utilization of AI-powered translation tools. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, translation agencies can not only achieve remarkable cost-saving benefits but also deliver high-quality translations to their valued customers.

In this blog post, we will delve into the transformative impact of AI-powered translation tools and how they are revolutionizing the landscape of professional translation services. So, stay tuned to discover the remarkable benefits that these cutting-edge tools bring to the table.

Our translators still work with translation tools like Trados, but they have integrated access to AI translation programs like DeePL, Google and others.

AI-powered machine translation integrated in computer-assisted translation tools such as Trados enables us to deliver faster and more cost-effective translation services to our clients. By harnessing the power of AI, we can automate various aspects of the translation process, resulting in improved efficiency. Our skilled team of human translators and editors work in tandem with the AI technology to ensure the highest quality translations. This integration not only expedites the translation process but also helps us optimize costs, making our services more accessible and affordable for our clients.

To reduce translation costs for our clients, we use AI-assisted machine translation, completed by a professional translator and proofreader.

Using AI-powered machine translation tools in the translation process does not change our translation agency’s process sequence of source text analysis, translator team selection, editing, proofreading and quality control. These AI tools only speed up the work, which is always completed by a professional translator who checks the result of the machine translation and corrects any mistakes.

Using machine translation tools supported by artificial intelligence in the translation process does not change the sequence of our translation office process. These AI tools only speed up the work, which is always completed by a professional translator who checks the result of the machine translation and corrects any mistakes.

It is still the human in the translation agency who controls the work done by the AI machine translators and is responsible for the result we hand over to the client.

In conclusion, the integration of AI-powered machine translation in computer assisted translation tools like Trados offers a valuable solution for faster and more cost-effective translation services. Our clients benefit from the efficiency gained through this technology, while our team of human translators and editors ensure the highest quality standards. Embracing these advancements allows us to enhance the translation process and deliver top-notch results to our valued clients.

Professional Translation Service agency Baltic Media Ltd operates in Nordic- Baltic region


Why shouldn’t we rely solely on AI translations?

Translations produced by AI tools often lack context because the machine can’t be as good as human translators when it comes to understanding linguistic nuances. When you use machine translation tools to generate translations, the context of the message is usually lost in translation.

Why should I use a translation agency to get a high-quality AI translation?

A translation agency will provide a professional translator who will check and correct the AI translator’s mistakes and take responsibility for the entire translation process and its outcome.

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